
Practice Closures

Please Note: The practice will be closed for the following Bank holidays.

Wednesday 25th December 2024 - Christmas Day

Thursday 26th December 2024 - Boxing Day

Wednesday 01st January 2025 - New Years Day

Safeguarding and FGM




Safeguarding children means protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children's health or development, ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.

For further information click on the following link:

 Safeguarding Children

Useful Contacts

Domestic Violence Helpline 

Tel: 0800 2000 247

Family LivesTel: 0808 800 2222  Victim SupportTel: 0845 30 30 900  Refuge  Women's Aid  Rape CrisisTel: 0808 802 9999  Respect PhonelineTel: 0808 802 4040  Men's Advice LineTel: 0808 801 0327  NSPCC helplineTel: 0808 800 5000  ChildLineTel:0800 1111


For further information click on the following links:

Safeguarding Adults

Adult Abuse

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board  Plan-UK  NHS Choices

A Statement Opposing FGM

FGM leaflet

Forced marriage

Victims of Human Trafficking

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